Season Greetings to everyone and just an update that we will not be holding a December meeting as there is no new information to report at this time and I am busy with other commitments. The remaining Executive has decided to just postpone the next meeting to January 9th, 2025. All club business is status quo at this time and behind the scenes we are still working on things.
The only noteworthy item of interest is that communication has been re-established by NASA with the Voyageur1 Satellite. Launched in 1977 the Satellite also carries a Time Capsule and Greetings from Earth. Very interesting read on the web with the X Band and S Band Communication through the DSN (Deep Space Network). A remarkable feat of engineering to have this satellite still functional and reporting back from 15.5 Billion miles away from Earth. The Latency of Signals just shy of one full day, (22.5 hrs). Apparently some enthusiastic Amateur Radio Operators have also picked up trace signals with their Parabolic Antenna arrays. Sincere Greetings to everyone for a safe and joyful Christmas Season. 73 James VE3OPD