February 15, 2025

Condolences to the family on the passing of Dave. Known to the Amateur Radio Community as VE3AVS, Dave was always a positive voice for the Lakehead Amateur Radio Club and Amateur Radio. He was instrumental in teaching electronics to many aspiring hams from his classroom at Sir Winston Churchill. With the blessing of school administrators, he gave of his own time to teach night school to many enrolled in the club sponsored Amateur Radio Operators certification course. This spanned several months and without hesitation Dave did his part to make it a success year after year. His contributions to Amateur Radio and the love of the outdoors will be fondly remembered by all of us. He was always either 2 wheel mobile on his bicycle in the summer or on the slopes skiing with fellow ham VE3OTC. Their banter about snow accumulations needed for the slopes would raise an eyebrow to some, but just a smile from many of us. Dave had his own phonetics on 2m and using the Autopatch. VE3 adam victor susan was the sign off he would always use thanking those standing by on the airwaves when he was clear of the patch. Dave was always a Gentlemen on the air and I specifically remember him working a pile up on 20m phone and without copious rf power he would just call out ” CQ and Greetings from Canada from VE3SWC” (Sir Winston Churchill School Club Station) and low and behold he would get a reply. I always remembered that about Dave and I still use that on HF phone myself. Godspeed Dave – Sincerely James StCyr VE3OPD and the Executive of the Lakehead Amateur Radio Club –

Dave VE3AVS (rht)

Dave Kimpton VE3AVS on the Rht and Bill Wainio VE3LMV on the Lft (looks like someone got their fingers caught in the cooking jar with Bill singling Dave out) Both Instructors were instrumental in many hams getting their License. Classes at Sir Winston Churchill with Dave and Classes at Confederation College with Bill. A debt of Gratitude to both of you. de VE3OPD

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