February 15, 2025
Image by Bert Fadly from Pixabay

I’ve switched over to a heavier jacket and started wearing hats and toques and gloves. The furnace has been running fairly frequently. In other words, winter is well on its way.

We were visiting the club station at VE3SAO yesterday (Sunday) and the snow was falling steadily. That was a reminder to get the snow shovels out and ready for the coming season. Antenna season that is.

As James mentioned, I have decided to retire from doing this newsletter after many, many years. I had the honour of shepherding this newsletter through the technological changes over the years. From Gestetner stencils to desk top publishing, from licking stamps to email delivery. I would like to acknowledge and thank all the previous editors including Dave Kimpton VE3AVS, Leo Wehrstedt VE3ATC, Jim O’Brien VE3UA and all the others that have left their mark.

I sincerely hope someone steps up to take over this task. It is an excellent way to give back to amateur radio and the club with just a few hours a month of effort and you don’t have to leave the house.

As the club approaches its 90th year (and me past my 70th) I feel the club is poised to go in another direction and I feel that I have completed my role and it is the right time to step aside and let those new ideas have their turn.

So, one more issue to go in December, and hopefully you will have a new editor in January.

Here is the November 2023 issue for you to enjoy, so snuggle into that big chair with a warm beverage and start reading!

Ed Baumann VE3SNW

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